Fostering access to Justice for Women with Disabilities against Violence, funded by Open Society Foundation (OSF)
Activities under ASD project
I. Legal Aid Service to Justice Seeker Women with Disabilities
With the objective of providing legal aid service to the justice seekers (women and girls with disabilities), BWAN has provided counseling and legal treatment to the females who are in need of the services. For this, this association has taken initiative to provide legal aid services and financial and psychological support to the justice seeker women. In this context, BWAN has appointed a legal adviser who has responsibility for legal counseling and preparing legal documents to the court. In the year 2017-2018 project period, five cases of WWDs related to Divorce, Property rights, sexual abuse and domestic violence are registered to the court. Likewise, 15 other cases of women with disabilities have been registered in this organization and we provided counseling service.
II. One day interaction program among WWDs and local level representatives regarding access to justice at Siyari Municipality, Rupandehi, Province 5.
BWAN has conducted one day interaction program among WWDs and local level representatives regarding access to justice on 21st April, 2018 at the hall of Janata Secondary School at Siyari rural municipality, Rupandehi. The main aim of the interaction program was to sensitize WWDs about their rights and find out their situation of access to justice. 38 WWDs including guest and organizers participated in this program.
III. One day interaction program among WWDs and local level representative regarding access to justice at Kanchan Rural Municipality, Province5, Rupandehi.
BWAN has conducted one day interaction program among WWDs regarding access to justice at Kanchan Rural municipality, Rupandehi on 22nd April at the hall of the municipality’s Office. The main aim of the program was to sensitize WWDs about their rights and find out their situation of access to justice. 59 WWDs including guest and organizer participated in the interaction program.
IV. Focus group discussion on existing laws and policies
BWAN has organized half day focus group discussion on policy review among women with disabilities in the hall of Sunrise Café, Kupandol, Lalitpur on 27th April, 2018. Twenty one women with disabilities including the representatives from different disabled people organizations (DPOs) presented in the discussion program. The main aim of this discussion program was to collect the feedback on the Zero draft of the policy review prepared by the consultant named Jamuna Poudel, the director of CVICT Nepal.
V. Workshop on the formation of Project Advisory Committee (PAC) along with interaction
BWAN has conducted a workshop on the formation of project Advisory committee (PAC) along with interaction program aiming to review the existing laws and policies concerning Women with Disabilities. This workshop was conducted on 6th May, 2018 at the hall of HardikHotel,Bagbazzar, in Kathmandu. There were 22 participants representing legal professionals, Legal Aid providers including disability rights Champions where a draft of policy review paper was presented for the discussion. By that workshop. 11 members of policy review committee was formed under the coordination of Dr. Birendra Raj Pokharel, the expert in the disability field.
VI. The policy review workshop with stake-holders
BWAN has conducted half-day workshop on Finalization of Policy Review on 2nd November, 2018 in the hall of Hardik Hotel, Bagbazar, and Kathmandu. The workshop has aimed to analyze the gaps in the existing policies and reviewing these policies from the perspective of WWDs to ensure their rights. 29 participants were present in the workshop that has provided fruitful suggestions to make the reviewing documents stronger.
VII. National Consultation on Policy Review
This consultation workshop was held on 31st March, 2019 at Hardik hotel, Bagbazaar in Kathmandu. The newly appointed consultant named Sabin Shrestha, the director of FWLD presented the final policy review documents. The main motto of this consultation was to collect comments and feedback in the reviewing policy’s documents to make it more effective and stronger. 49 participants from different DPOs including staff and volunteers made the conference more fruitful adding their views in the policy documents. This policy documents has critically reviewed 20 acts and policies in line with UNCRPD and Nepal’s constitution in connection to them for ensuring the rights of women with disabilities.
VIII. Capacity Building Training on Case Management for WWDs in different provinces:
BWAN has organized two days ‘Capacity Building Training on Case Management for Women with Disabilities (WWDs) at the hall of Bhaktapur CBR in province 3, dated 16th and 17th of February 2019. Similarly, BWAN has conducted two days capacity building training to WWDs at the hall of Morang association of the blind (MAB) at Belbari in Morang district dated 21-22 February, 2019. 23 and 22 participants were present from their respective provinces. Simultaneously, this training was also conducted at the hall of Marutinandanhotel, Nepalgunj, Banke, province 5, dated 28thJanuary, 2019. 26 participants were benefitted from the training in that province. The main objective of the training was to provide orientation on legal provisions on the basis of national and international mechanisms related to women and disability and to enhance their capacity to tackle the case for accessing to justice.
BWAN organized the press meet aiming to gather solidarity in the rape case of adolescent girl studying at one of the Government school in Nepalgunj by the teacher. This program took place at Marutinandan hotel, Nepalgunj dated 28th January, 2019. 55 participants including 15 journalists attended the program. Ms. Anita Sigdel, the secretary of BWAN presented paper prepared for the press meet. Then all guests expressed their opinions regarding the violence against girl focusing on particular case.